Proiecte eTwinning 2021 – 2024

1. Learning from our Nature- Să învățăm de la Natură – Romania-Spania – Acreditare anul 1 2021-2022
2. Dreaming is believing: dreams start a change -Visele însemnă încredere; visele duc la schimbare – Poland-Italy-Romania – Acreditare 2- 2022-2023 Produs final – Eco-dictionary made by Polish-Romanian students:
eco_dictionary.pdf – Google Drive
3. Human rights: common achievement for children and adults-Drepturile omului, un câștig pentru copii și adulți în egală măsură Italia, România, Turcia, Grecia, An școlar 2023-2024
The topic of our project is very suitable to be depicted with a hot air balloon, as a message of freedom: Human Rights. Children love to draw hot air balloons, full of their imagination and colours.
Furthermore, it also represents the innocence and carefreeness of children who also the adults should make it their own.
We also find hot air balloons in literature: think for example of Around the World in 80 Days by Jule Verne. Even if the protagonists they don’t use it as a means of transportation, most of the book covers portray the hot air balloon itself. Then, in Italian literature, in the book The Baron in the Trees, by Italo Calvino, the protagonist travels on a hot air balloon.
Finally, in the logo the words of the title of our project „Human Rights: common achievement for children and adults” complete the images.
Poezii create de elevi pe tema drepturilor omului

4. Nos amis francophones- Prietenii noștri francofoni -2022- 2023
Țări partenere: Italia, Romania, Portugalia, Belgia, Grecia, Tunisia
Un échange numérique entre des classes de pays différents qui utilisent le français comme moyen de communication dans le but de faire connaissance et améliorer la motivation à l’apprentissage.
Produit final: kahoot collaboratif
Colaborare în proiecte – Elevii Școlii din Loulé, Portugalia, au participat la Concursul Glasul Francofoniei, organizat de Școala Gimnazială M. C. Epureanu, Bârlad:
Prezentare diseminare proiect:
Proiectul a primit certificat de calitate național și european

5. Le sport: „Paris” gagnant !

Dans le cadre des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, les élèves des pays partenaires vont traiter des sujets liés au sport: découvrir un peu de l’histoire des Jeux Olympiques et les sports olympiques, évoquer les intérêts en matière de sport, découvrir les valeurs et les bienfaits du sport, donner des astuces pour avoir une bonne hygiène de vie.
Exemple de activitati interactive:
Les sports (
Devinettes sonores: les sports des Jeux olympiques (

5. European students together for the protection of biodiversity – proiect eTwinning asociat mobilității de învățare pentru grup de elevi Erasmus+, Franța-România

We are more and more concerned about the fall in biodiversity around the planet. We read The EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 which is a comprehensive, ambitious and long-term plan to protect nature and reverse the degradation of ecosystems.
And our 2 schools, one in Romania, one in France have a strong desire to unite our forces and help raise awareness and action regarding this problem. We also wish to know more about the other country’s culture and educational system. We are very keen to improve our knowledge and boost our European friendship.
Nature reserves in our countries – Digipad by La Digitale

6. Découvrons nos paysages européens en anglais, français et espagnol -Să descoperim împreună peisaje europene în engleză, franceză, spaniolă 2023-2024, Belgia, Franța, Grecia,România, Italia, Portugalia, Spania

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